oh Snap...i'm late.....well to jump right into it i wasn't even suppose to be in this class i would of had to take eng102 next semester because i was unable to find an eng class that fit into my fall schedule. luckily a friend of mine transfered schools and dropped the class so yeah here i am...or was lol . when i started with this class i already knew what to expect. Last sememster i had jason smith before and it was probably the most chill class out of the bunch. i could hear my music, i didn't have to talk to anyone, i could surf the web, watch videos, and get my work done...go figure. This semester wasn't so different aside from the fact that it was group oriented. I was a bit skeptical at first since i'm not really into the whole cooperation for a grade thing but luckily I have to say that me and the guys worked well together it was like we were brothers in another life lol. This semester I learned about archetypes something i never heard of before (well the term at least) i found this helpful since i write stories...so now i can apply the format to my writing; But the main thing I learned (that i will try my best to apply to everything) is the meaning of teamwork , and how much can get screwed up by not meeting deadlines. I could complain about how close we were to not having a video to present at all but we pulled through and....hopefully got a good grade (we better because we went through hell lol just saying) still it was a fun process.
When it came down to the blog that helped me the most this semester i have to go with ziyins. His blog was basically my guideline to whatever i missed or didn't understand it's detailed and he followed the rules to the core which helped me revise my work. I can't really go into too much depth here but all i can say is good work dude i wish i had as much to blog about as you did lol. still it was a fun semester i can't complain...so on that note love peace and chicken grease.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Still Alive
This is the blog to end all blogs...
there's too much to say about this video. it started off as one thing and slowly became another. It was originally going to be a trailer for a zombie reality show titled "zombie hunters" but do to the lack of a good camera we were unable to use some of the shots we took (mainly because the camera sucks in the dark)we have alot of shots and videos in the early process (bloopers coming soon). I played the role of director (which is pretty much what i'm majoring in so i saw this an opportunity to practice) basically my job was to gather up the necessary things to make the video happen. my group probably got tired of me (i had to be harsh with them lol) it was a difficult process despite how simple the video may be, the stress of having to constantly nag at people, to planning was just annoying at times (now i know how managers must feel). through out the process i gained a new perspective of the word patience. and i learned that everything especially with these things rarely go as planned but that was part of the fun lol. It was hilarious, fun, and a taste of how difficult the job actually is. now you may watch our low budget video (the rendering process was difficult so you may see a typo and a lack of certain effects, since it was my first time using adobe premiere pro i wasnt able to exactly work out all the kinks lol).
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
coraline essay...
Jose Pena
-professor: jason smith
My primary archetype is the “wanderer”. The journey of the wanderer begins when the pain of being an orphan becomes too great, it’s the act of stepping out of the normal confines., the search for answers, and something different. This marks the beginning of the hero’s journey. The primary trait is curiosity which is often stirred when one is dissatisfied with their “normal” life; This relates much to Coraline as early on in the story the reader gets a taste of her interest in exploring which pretty much shows her main archetype to be that of the wanderer. The positive traits of the wanderer is that while in this state of searching life becomes an adventure, things become exciting, different, and unpredictable. The negative traits of being a wanderer is that you give up all sense of community, so even if you’re traveling with a group of like minded people the journey inward is still and always will be a solitary one. But even so this can be a positive thing as well because you’ll learn to rely and trust in yourself.
As mentioned above i feel that Coraline's main archetype is the wanderer, this is realized as soon as the story begins; You get a feel for her sense of exploration and adventure. it’s all portrayed in very first page as you read about her “discovering” the door.From the very beginning you understand her need to look around. Aside from being a “normal” curious child she’s fairly limited and uninterested in her current life...with her father (who’s warm and plays with her when he can) and mother (which she finds boring) constantly working and barely having any time to spend with her, to the empty promises she’s used to, It may be fair to say that Coraline is a little unsatisfied so she explores to find answers. Once she discovers the other world beyond the door and her “other” parents she begins to get the answers she was searching for. I say my archetype (wanderer) is active throughout the entire story (due to Coraline's characteristics).
Knowing my archetype helps me understand Coraline because it helps me relate to her. As a reader reading any book, or a viewer watching any movie the character should relate to you in some way for you to feel for them. Although Coraline is a surreal fantasy she holds characteristics that can relate to anybody but understanding my archetype makes it a little easier to relate to her since we both share the same main archetype. If others understood the wanderer archetype it would help them understand Coraline's curious nature a little more but i don’t feel it’s a necessity to understand my main archetype since the story pretty much spells out the reasons why she does the things she does anyway.
-professor: jason smith
My primary archetype is the “wanderer”. The journey of the wanderer begins when the pain of being an orphan becomes too great, it’s the act of stepping out of the normal confines., the search for answers, and something different. This marks the beginning of the hero’s journey. The primary trait is curiosity which is often stirred when one is dissatisfied with their “normal” life; This relates much to Coraline as early on in the story the reader gets a taste of her interest in exploring which pretty much shows her main archetype to be that of the wanderer. The positive traits of the wanderer is that while in this state of searching life becomes an adventure, things become exciting, different, and unpredictable. The negative traits of being a wanderer is that you give up all sense of community, so even if you’re traveling with a group of like minded people the journey inward is still and always will be a solitary one. But even so this can be a positive thing as well because you’ll learn to rely and trust in yourself.
As mentioned above i feel that Coraline's main archetype is the wanderer, this is realized as soon as the story begins; You get a feel for her sense of exploration and adventure. it’s all portrayed in very first page as you read about her “discovering” the door.From the very beginning you understand her need to look around. Aside from being a “normal” curious child she’s fairly limited and uninterested in her current life...with her father (who’s warm and plays with her when he can) and mother (which she finds boring) constantly working and barely having any time to spend with her, to the empty promises she’s used to, It may be fair to say that Coraline is a little unsatisfied so she explores to find answers. Once she discovers the other world beyond the door and her “other” parents she begins to get the answers she was searching for. I say my archetype (wanderer) is active throughout the entire story (due to Coraline's characteristics).
Knowing my archetype helps me understand Coraline because it helps me relate to her. As a reader reading any book, or a viewer watching any movie the character should relate to you in some way for you to feel for them. Although Coraline is a surreal fantasy she holds characteristics that can relate to anybody but understanding my archetype makes it a little easier to relate to her since we both share the same main archetype. If others understood the wanderer archetype it would help them understand Coraline's curious nature a little more but i don’t feel it’s a necessity to understand my main archetype since the story pretty much spells out the reasons why she does the things she does anyway.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
blog 2.2 (wanderer)
(The Wanderer)
The archetype i associate with the most is the "Wanderer".
The journey of the Wanderer begins when the pain of being an orphan becomes too great, it's the act of taking the first step outside the normal confines, the search for answers, The search for something different,...The beginning of the "adventure".
The song i chose to reperesent my archetype was "The Passenger" by "Iggy Pop".
The reason i chose this song is because in my opinion it could very well be the wanderers national anthem lol. From what i gather the song portrays life (metaphorically) as a car, The passengers are riding from one destination to another experiencing whatever comes their way. In the song it is never said where the car is going but simply that the passenger is under glass riding around enjoying what he see's. This is appropriate in comparison to the archetype of the wanderer since our journey does not consist of knowing what we're looking for or even where we're going, it's all about what we see, what we experience, and the good times we have until the next moment comes; and knowing that everything that's out there was made for us to enjoy and try.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Blog 2.1

(Christina Rossetti)
Christina Rossetti is considered to be one of the most important english woman poets of the nineteenth century. Born into a family of talent she and her three siblings followed in their fathers footsteps and became writers. Due to a serious illness she developed her social life was limited and she rarely left her house or received visitors , while her mother attended to her she was able to maintain a level of focus and create some of the most memorable poems of all time (one of which was the Goblin Market). Christina Rossetti is best known for her unique style of writing, regarded by her brother William Michael (who also edited her complete works in 1904) as a "spontaneous composer who just wrote what came to her head". Her poems are well known for her typical songlike use of words and short, irregularly rhymed lines.
A birthday
(written by Christina Rossetti)
My heart is like a singing bird
Whose heart is in a watered shoot:
my heart is like an apple-tree
Whose boughs are bent with thickset fruit;
My heart is like a rainbow shell
That Paddles in a halcyon sea;
My heart is gladder than all these
because my love is come to me.
Raise me dais of silk and down;
Hang it with vair and purple dyes;
Carve it in doves and pomegranates,
And peacocks with a hundred eyes;
Work it in gold and silver grapes,
In leaves and silver fleurs-de-lys;
Because the birthday of my life
Is come, my love is come to me.
Rossetti passed away december 29 1894 due to a fatal cancer she developed years earlier...
(here's the link to the information i found http://kirjasto.sci.fi/rossetti.htm)
"The Goblin Market"

(Sketch by mercuralis)
The Goblin market is about two sisters Laura and Lizzie who go about their everyday lives, attending to their chores in order to maintain a household. The story begins with the two sisters heading out on their usual evening stroll to gather water from the stream. As soon as twilight is present they begin to hear the usual calls of the goblin merchants who sell fruits in fantastic abundance,variety and savour. On that evening laura lingered at the stream while lizzie headed home, Laura wanting fruit but having no money offers the goblin merchants a lock of her hair "a tear more rare than pearl".
After laura indulges in the fruit she soon after comes to her senses, she picks up one of the seeds she dropped and heads home. Lizzie wise and waiting at home reminds laura and tells her the cautionary tale of the girl jeanie who ate the fruits of the goblin merchants, and soon after died due to decline. The next evening at the stream laura daydreams about the fruit, but is quickly terrified when she discovers she can no longer hear the cries of the goblin merchants, but lizzie can. Unable to buy anymore of the forbidden fruit laura remembers the seed she saved but is displeased to find that it bears nothing. Soon after She begins to fall into a state of depression and her body begins to slowly deteriorate, as time goes by she is no longer able to do her household duties, and lizzie soon realizes that laura is on the verge of death.
Carrying a silver penny lizzie heads down to the brook and is greeted in a friendly manner by the goblin merchants. Their attitudes soon change after they realize Lizzie wants to pay with money, and carry the fruits home. They begin to beat her and try to force her to eat the fruits during the process they drenched her body in fruit juice and pulp...soon after they gave up and lizzie was free she soon after runs home, hoping laura would eat and drink the juice from her body. Laura does so and after a violent transformation she is her normal self physically and mentally by the next morning.
The story ends with the sisters explaining to their children the evil's of goblin fruit and the powers of sisterly love...
Monday, September 27, 2010
Blog 1.3 "It's a dead man's party"
The song i chose to research for this blog is "It's a dead man's party" written and performed by the american new wave band Oingo Boingo (fun fact: this band is well known for their high energy halloween concerts). I chose this song because the theme it deals with is death. The beauty of this song is that since everything is pretty much spelled out for the listener you dont really have to interpret anything but for those who may have a hard time, The song is about one man's exit from his funeral (which is portrayed as a party) and his entrance into the eternal party of the afterlife. Other obvious reasons for choosing this song would be because it's suitable for the theme of Halloween and halloween is associated with the supernatural. I was able to find a video of the song that someone synched together with the nightmare before christmas and the corpse bride this is helpful because paints
a picture of how light hearted the song is despite dealing with the dark topic of death, and how death is portrayed as a party. The video is posted below for anyone interested in giving a moment to listen.
(keep in mind this is an 80's song so if you dont like music from that era it may turn you off).
(note: the song was edited for the video so technically its not the full song since some of the lyrics are missing)
(Here are the full lyrics)
I'm all dressed up with nowhere to go
Walkin' with a dead man over my shoulder x2
It’s only me
Waiting for an invitation to arrive
Goin' to a party where no one's still alive x2
I was struck by lighting
Walkin' down the street
I was hit by something last night in my sleep
It's a dead man's party
Who could ask for more?
Everybody's comin', leave your body at the door
Leave your body and soul at the door…
(Don't run away it's only me)
Only me…
Only me…
All dressed up with nowhere to go
Walkin' (with a dead man)x2
Waitin' for an invitation to arrive
Walking with a dead man…Dead Man…Dead Man…
Got my best suit and my tie
Shiny silver dollar on either eye
I hear the chauffeur comin' to my door
Says there's room for maybe just one more…
Don't run away it's only me
Don't be afraid of what you can't see
Don't run away it's only me…
It’s only me…It’s only me…
Don't run away it's only me
Don't be afraid of what you can't see
Don't run away it's only me…
Don't be afraid of what you can't see
It’s only me… (Repeat 9 times)
a picture of how light hearted the song is despite dealing with the dark topic of death, and how death is portrayed as a party. The video is posted below for anyone interested in giving a moment to listen.
(keep in mind this is an 80's song so if you dont like music from that era it may turn you off).
(note: the song was edited for the video so technically its not the full song since some of the lyrics are missing)
(Here are the full lyrics)
I'm all dressed up with nowhere to go
Walkin' with a dead man over my shoulder x2
It’s only me
Waiting for an invitation to arrive
Goin' to a party where no one's still alive x2
I was struck by lighting
Walkin' down the street
I was hit by something last night in my sleep
It's a dead man's party
Who could ask for more?
Everybody's comin', leave your body at the door
Leave your body and soul at the door…
(Don't run away it's only me)
Only me…
Only me…
All dressed up with nowhere to go
Walkin' (with a dead man)x2
Waitin' for an invitation to arrive
Walking with a dead man…Dead Man…Dead Man…
Got my best suit and my tie
Shiny silver dollar on either eye
I hear the chauffeur comin' to my door
Says there's room for maybe just one more…
Don't run away it's only me
Don't be afraid of what you can't see
Don't run away it's only me…
It’s only me…It’s only me…
Don't run away it's only me
Don't be afraid of what you can't see
Don't run away it's only me…
Don't be afraid of what you can't see
It’s only me… (Repeat 9 times)
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Blog entry 1.2 "Zombies"

The creature i chose to research was the zombie also known as the undead (both of which have different meanings and can apply to other creatures, but i'll get into that later).
The one and "ONLY" website i used (mainly because it was so helpful)was www.monstrous.com it's a good site to search for any monster it has everything i think anyone would need to know about whatever creature they wish to learn of origin, weakness,anatomy, etc.
Now when it comes to zombies my interest is more than just an interest...it's a freaking love affair!. Despite the fact that these are simplistic creatures with simplistic needs i'm fascinated at the amount of chaos they cause, but without getting too into my love for them let me hit you with the facts. As mentioned above there is a difference between a zombie, and an undead being. A zombie is a dead person that was brought back to life by a curse, virus, or necromancer (a sorcerer or wizard of some sort that controls the dead). An undead being is one that is dead but behaves as if it's alive(such as ghost's and vampires).
The origin of the zombie goes back to the middle ages. In the encyclopedia of "things that never were", Revenants (someone who has returned from the dead) would arise and take the form of a corpse or skeletal human figure to avenge a crime commited against it, most of which would result in a murder of some sort.
Modern zombies are usually created by a mysterious virus. which turns the living into a cannibalistic being (important fact: zombies don't eat each other they can differentiate the smell of human flesh in comparison to their own smell which is often unpleasant). The virus spreads by the bites they inflict on their victims, once a person is bitten its only a matter of time before they are a zombie as well. Since Zombies are dead beings they don't have the brain capacity to talk they just think on a basic level and react with basic instincts, but it is believed that they communicate with each other through moaning.
Also Since zombies feel no pain they can push their bodies beyond the normal human limit, examples include being able to withstand more than the normal amount of damage a human can such as dismemberment (important fact: you can only kill a zombie by causing massive trauma to the head/destroying the brain, or burning it completly), if its a running zombie you'd better be in shape because chances are it can run forever. That being said zombies can't live forever since their bodies are decaying eventually after many months or years it will breakdown to a point where it cannot function.
Now there isn't much i dont know about zombies, so i can't say i learned anything new but i still love them and i'm going to briefly share the things i love about them, (which are also some facts worth noting).
(Now on to what i love about them)
Compared to other creatures found in the fantasy world zombies hold no special powers, despite the fact that they are undead and can only be killed by destroying the brain or being burned they hold the same amount of strength as a normal human being. So If you think about it they are fairly weak (by comparison i mean), But it doesn't mean they should be underestimated in fact it's that reason alone that many people in zombie stories get killed, (and one of the reasons i love them) because what they lack in strength they certainly make up for in numbers, and there's always some gun toting idiot who tries to go all rambo and what not until he's overwhelmed and eventually torn to shreds (quite an entertaining thing to see by the way).
Another point to bring to the table would be the way they affect people. More often than not in any zombie story rarely are the zombies the real threat (in fact they're just the circumstance). The real threat are the survivors. Humans are violent by nature but a catastrophic situation such as this always seems to bring out the worst in people. (As portrayed in the movies) there's a thin line between sanity and insanity, people get violent towards one another, become heartless, selfish, confused, and make decisions based out of fear which usually has negative effects on those around them. So there's a sort of psychological aspect when it comes to zombies which is kind of their subconscious strategy to conquer and affect people which is pretty cool.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
About Me.

For starters my name is jose. one word to describe me...chill. I'm basically a laid back guy who rolls with the punches. I love to draw, and i love to watch movies,i'm a pretty active guy (take that however you like lol), I like to travel, experience new things (i tend to be too curious for my own good), i love music (all kinds), i love to joke (fun fact: i tend to laugh randomnly...weird i know),i like meeting new people, im very social, although i have my quiet moments overall im just "chill".
"The cake is a lie"
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