(Christina Rossetti)
Christina Rossetti is considered to be one of the most important english woman poets of the nineteenth century. Born into a family of talent she and her three siblings followed in their fathers footsteps and became writers. Due to a serious illness she developed her social life was limited and she rarely left her house or received visitors , while her mother attended to her she was able to maintain a level of focus and create some of the most memorable poems of all time (one of which was the Goblin Market). Christina Rossetti is best known for her unique style of writing, regarded by her brother William Michael (who also edited her complete works in 1904) as a "spontaneous composer who just wrote what came to her head". Her poems are well known for her typical songlike use of words and short, irregularly rhymed lines.
A birthday
(written by Christina Rossetti)
My heart is like a singing bird
Whose heart is in a watered shoot:
my heart is like an apple-tree
Whose boughs are bent with thickset fruit;
My heart is like a rainbow shell
That Paddles in a halcyon sea;
My heart is gladder than all these
because my love is come to me.
Raise me dais of silk and down;
Hang it with vair and purple dyes;
Carve it in doves and pomegranates,
And peacocks with a hundred eyes;
Work it in gold and silver grapes,
In leaves and silver fleurs-de-lys;
Because the birthday of my life
Is come, my love is come to me.
Rossetti passed away december 29 1894 due to a fatal cancer she developed years earlier...
(here's the link to the information i found http://kirjasto.sci.fi/rossetti.htm)
"The Goblin Market"

(Sketch by mercuralis)
The Goblin market is about two sisters Laura and Lizzie who go about their everyday lives, attending to their chores in order to maintain a household. The story begins with the two sisters heading out on their usual evening stroll to gather water from the stream. As soon as twilight is present they begin to hear the usual calls of the goblin merchants who sell fruits in fantastic abundance,variety and savour. On that evening laura lingered at the stream while lizzie headed home, Laura wanting fruit but having no money offers the goblin merchants a lock of her hair "a tear more rare than pearl".
After laura indulges in the fruit she soon after comes to her senses, she picks up one of the seeds she dropped and heads home. Lizzie wise and waiting at home reminds laura and tells her the cautionary tale of the girl jeanie who ate the fruits of the goblin merchants, and soon after died due to decline. The next evening at the stream laura daydreams about the fruit, but is quickly terrified when she discovers she can no longer hear the cries of the goblin merchants, but lizzie can. Unable to buy anymore of the forbidden fruit laura remembers the seed she saved but is displeased to find that it bears nothing. Soon after She begins to fall into a state of depression and her body begins to slowly deteriorate, as time goes by she is no longer able to do her household duties, and lizzie soon realizes that laura is on the verge of death.
Carrying a silver penny lizzie heads down to the brook and is greeted in a friendly manner by the goblin merchants. Their attitudes soon change after they realize Lizzie wants to pay with money, and carry the fruits home. They begin to beat her and try to force her to eat the fruits during the process they drenched her body in fruit juice and pulp...soon after they gave up and lizzie was free she soon after runs home, hoping laura would eat and drink the juice from her body. Laura does so and after a violent transformation she is her normal self physically and mentally by the next morning.
The story ends with the sisters explaining to their children the evil's of goblin fruit and the powers of sisterly love...