Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Still Alive

This is the blog to end all blogs...

there's too much to say about this video. it started off as one thing and slowly became another. It was originally going to be a trailer for a zombie reality show titled "zombie hunters" but do to the lack of a good camera we were unable to use some of the shots we took (mainly because the camera sucks in the dark)we have alot of shots and videos in the early process (bloopers coming soon). I played the role of director (which is pretty much what i'm majoring in so i saw this an opportunity to practice) basically my job was to gather up the necessary things to make the video happen. my group probably got tired of me (i had to be harsh with them lol) it was a difficult process despite how simple the video may be, the stress of having to constantly nag at people, to planning was just annoying at times (now i know how managers must feel). through out the process i gained a new perspective of the word patience. and i learned that everything especially with these things rarely go as planned but that was part of the fun lol. It was hilarious, fun, and a taste of how difficult the job actually is. now you may watch our low budget video (the rendering process was difficult so you may see a typo and a lack of certain effects, since it was my first time using adobe premiere pro i wasnt able to exactly work out all the kinks lol).

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